• July 27, 2024

How a Home Addition Roof is Framed to an Existing Roof

This video focuses on adding a new room to a sloping side of a home. The best part is that they use regular framing and roof trusses. So, it’s not some complicated process that only experts can do. There’s even software that shows what the final result would look like.

Innovative framing

And get this; they use something called the fill or California roof style for framing. It’s perfect for building an L-shaped home.

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The video demonstrates two methods to make connections. These options depend on whether there’s a soffit or exposed rafter tails. What viewers will love about this video is how the presenter explains everything so clearly. Who knew it could be so easy?

Key takeaways

The guy in the video frames the roof using conventional rafters or engineered roof trusses. It’s a tried and tested method. Moreover, they’re customizable to fit any roof shape or size. Plus, they’ve got a classic look that many people like. On the other hand, engineered roof trusses are a newer technology. Installation is quick and easy with less labor.

This video shows that the key to a successful fill or California roof style is to pitch at the correct angle for a room addition. It’s vital to make sure everything is straight. Then there’s the part where they add the joists. That’s where things get a little tricky.


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