How to Use a Rented Bush Hog to Clear Land for a Home Addition
“Brush Hog Attack Angles for Mowing THICK Brush and Trees with a Compact Tractor,” by Piney Grove Homestead – Tractors and Outdoors, offers tips for using a brush hog to mow thick brush. His approach shows how someone might handle the mowing themselves using a bush hog rental company rather than hiring a forestry mulcher.
The narrator’s brush hog was reinforced with extra metal fenders on the back side to handle the more extreme usage. The keys are his settings and attack angles, which he contrasts with mowing pasture where the brush hog is parallel to and immediately above ground level.
He changes the attack angle for a heavy brush by raising the back of the brush hog a foot or two off the ground, backing over the brush, and running back and forth to process the material. This keeps partially processed material from getting under the tractor and hitting vulnerable parts.
The narrator notes he could buy or repair a brush hog for less than the cost of a forestry mulching service, so a bush hog rental company may work for those who do not own a brush hog.